Donna Haraway
Donna Haraway has been a member of the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California at Santa Cruz since 1980. Her teaching and research explore the string figure knots tied by feminist theory, science and technology studies, and animal studies. She earned her PhD in Biology at Yale in 1972, and before coming to UCSC she taught biology at the University of Hawaii and the history of science at The Johns Hopkins University. Her recent book, When Species Meet (University of Minnesota Press, 2008) examines philosophical, historical, cultural, personal, technoscientific, and biological aspects of animal-human inter- and intra-actions. Her earlier books include Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields: Metaphors that Shape Embryos (Yale, 1976; North Atlantic Books, 2004); Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science (Routledge, 1989); Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (Routledge, 1991); Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan© Meets OncoMouse™ (Routledge, 1997); The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003); and The Haraway Reader (Routledge, 2004).
Under the title “Staying with the Trouble,” her current work inhabits the relational labor of human and nonhuman animals in art activisms, pastoral recuperation projects, and urban and periurban agriculture.